Moving in the Direction of Dreams

Day 67


I believe in my dreams.

I expect my dreams to become my reality.

Every day I move confidently toward the realization of my dreams.

Every day I do something that supports the fulfillment of my dreams.

Consider the dreams you have for yourself.  Now ask yourself if you honestly believe in their coming true.  Do you expect them to become reality, or not-so-much?  Do you take action that supports the fulfillment of your dreams or are your actions counter-productive?   Too often our dreams sit idle – placed high upon the shelves of our imaginations only to be looked at and sighed over wistfully from time to time but never touched.  Dreams don’t just manifest themselves into reality without those two magic ingredients – belief and action.  Our beliefs create an opening that allows our dreams to come to us.  Our actions create the energy vortex that draws them into our experience.  Dreams need our help to come true and today is a good time to start moving confidently toward their realization.

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